Saturday, December 30, 2006

First Snow Fall

A little snap of cold weather finally arrived. We had a real dumping of snow the other night, the only problem is that it melted the next day so it has just left us feeling rather wet. Well Christmas has come and gone really quickly, as I guess it always does. Now just the New Year to get through which I think is going to be rather a non-event, our fault of course because we have not booked anything for it or planned a decent party.

The next couple of months are going to be the hardest of the year, I really want to find a job, but can't figure out what to apply for or pursue. I had sent my CV to a couple of people but got absolutely no response, just like being back home!

I've made a bit more of an effort to train lately, it's made me feel more positive in general, been doing a decent amount of running which lifts the spirit a bit. and when it's not so bitingly cold I'll get back out on the bike, it's as low as -6 degrees on some days, so my ears can't cope with that sort of cold.

My friend Eliza came and visited for a couple of days, which was great, it was my first visitor from the UK, we did the usual site seeing and stuff, probably bored the pants off of her. Next week I start my new language school I hope I can handle the new teacher, I'm told that she likes to do a lot of oral lessons, and this is where I struggle most.

I need everyone who knows me to cross there fingers and make wishes for me. The exchange rate is so bad at the moment and I haven't changed up my sterling yet, on Christmas day it recovered really well but of course all the offices are closed on Christmas day, so I was stuffed.

As far as our flat buying is going, there is nothing to tell. We will meet the developer next week, and if it has any bearing, make a decision.

Happy New to ALL

Saturday, December 09, 2006

On The Move

The new windows in the flat look great. They were completed on thursday and the lady who owns the flat made a plan to keep us away for the day, I would have helped her move all the furniture back into place but she organised for her son to take me to the pictures whilst Petra was at work, and she said to Petra "it's better if you don't come back before 6pm because the workmen will still be here fitting the blinds". I think this was just part of her plan to keep us away from the flat a little longer. When we arrived home at about 7.30pm the lady had cleaned the whole flat, put back all the furniture and ...................... decorated it with Christmas stuff, it looked absolutely fantastic. I had the Christmas feeling in my tummy. We also had a little Father Christmas stocking each with goodies in it, what an amazing landlord!

Yesterday we visited our solicitor, and discussed the purchase of the flat we like, he let us know that he will adjust the contract of reservation with additional clauses from the original that the agents sent, and at the beginning of next week we should be able to pay a deposit and secure the property. Following this it should be agreed that we will make the full payment within 8-12 weeks after the main checks and papers are obtained. But we may not be able to move in for up to 3 months after we buy it, because in Czech Republic the papers for the sale of the flat will go to an office where the property details and new owners are registered. only at this point will we release the final funds to the seller, this is why we may not be able to move in on signing of contract. On the other hand the sellers may be amiable enough to agree for us to move in before registration even without full payment. We will only know in time.

I had a surreal experience discussing the solicitors fees with him. I had better not go into detail but just let's say, the conversation would have been better placed in a market in india.

Can't believe that it's only a couple of weeks till Christmas now. I don't feel particularly prepared, but I expect most people are like that. The weather is also unusual, still so warm, not even any snow in the mountains. Temperatures around 5-8 degrees during the day. I'll be sending my Christmas cards today, I hope they will arrive in time.

I want to go and watch some more hockey matches but can't persuade Petra to go, I'm not sure if it's because she don't like hockey or don't like standing for so long to watch it. I have to agree though that it can take upto 2.5 hours of your free time to watch the match. They have 15 min break between each 3rd, a 3rd is 20 minutes on the clock and could be 30 minutes in real time because of stoppages on the clock for fouls or whatever. But in terms of entertainment, great value at 60Kc (1.50 gbp).

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Stupid is as Stupid does!

Can't believe I have lost my internet connection again. So here we go, a blog from the internet cafe in the book shop at the bottom of Wensleslav.

We have decided which flat to buy, it's number 45 Nad Kralovskou Oborou (I think) a pretty difficult business though, our solicitor is always really busy, so we haven't really got the thing going with him yet, and the Agent is really pushing because until we actually pay a deposit, the flat can still go to someone else. This also means that I have run out of time to change my sterling into the local currency. unfortunately the rate isn't great a the moment.

We are having new windows fitted in the flat we rent at the moment, so for a couple of days everything is a mess. I think it will all be sorted by tomorrow. A funny story from Monday, at then end of the Czech class we all left and another student, Paolo, walked with me to the metro station Hlavni Nadrazi, for some reason at this station, I always go to the wrong platform, just automatically, and because Paolo lives the opposite way to me, he followed my lead and without checking just went to the opposite platform, so although we were both unaware at this stage, we stood across from each other but to go in the wrong direction for home. Both trains come in together, I quickly glanced at the front of the train and it sunk in that I should not get on because I would end up in Kobylisy. However, Paolo got straight on and I could not attract his attention. Both trains left and I was still standing on the platform alone, I walked out of the station a crossed over to the opposite side, to catch the next train, meanwhile wondering if Paolo had realised yet, I felt quite guilty because if I had gone onto the correct platform in the first place so would Paolo. Later I text him and we laughed about it. He had gotten off at the next stop and also changed!

I now understand why there are so many security staff in the shops here, I read in the papers at the beginning of the week that the Czechs are in first place in the charts for shoplifting, they are better than anyone else in Europe at it. The theiving buggers!

And lastly for today, I think the Czechs are missing a western trick. Packs of Christmas cards are rarer than rocking horse poo, you can buy single cards, but no-one, absolutely no-one sells bulk packs. Petra tells me that Czech people don't like to send cards! I'm liking it.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Open for business

Just got back from the Old Town, tonight the lights have been switched on, on the tree, and the christmas markets are open, it was so busy. We didn't stop for long, Petra wanted to get home, she is not feeling too well.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Betlemska Kaple

Recently Petra was given tickets to a concert and a small chapel in prague to go and see a performance of a few kids and a famous violinist. I know that she likes to do different things so I agreed to go along even though I didn't think it would be my thing. I assume this is what marriage is all about, compromise, and receiving satisfaction from your partners happiness. Anyway, it was a formal occassion so we have to dress appropriately in evening suit etc, and I dutifully complied.

nejdriv jsme sli na Metro, pak jsme jeli ceckem na Muzeum. Potom jsme jeli tramvaji na Narodni, pak jsme sli pesky do Kaple. Ten koncert zacinal v 19.30h a skoncil ve 21.00h a byl moc nudny, ale jsem rad ze jsem tam byl s Peta. Ten Koncert uvadela Jitka Kocurova, vypadala krasne a zajimave. Ackoli to vypadala, ze jsem si neuzil vecer, houslista to byl vyborny. Po koncerte, byla vanocni jidlo a piti, tak jsme se najedli a pak jsme sli do domu. Petra je nemocna, vcera vecer ji mela bolelo telo a taky v krku, a myslim, je nastydla, tak pred posteli jsem varil citrus piti pro ji a dal jsem ji prasky na chripku. Today I think she feels just a little better, but not great. I guess it will be best for her to rest tonight and for the weekend. It is Babis birthday on Saturday so we are going for lunch and then to take a look at the tree an markets in Old Town.

We have spoken to our solicitor to make an offer on a flat and try to buy, but I am not very confident because the agent is being awkward. I know they are only interested in the commission and not the client, because he has another interested client and he told Petra that whoever puts the deposit down first gets the flat. I think it would be stupid to pay a deposit without checking all the contracts thoroughly first, because if there was a small mistake you would not get your money back.

Just a few weeks left until Christmas, so exciting eh? No snow yet though.