Thursday, December 07, 2006

Stupid is as Stupid does!

Can't believe I have lost my internet connection again. So here we go, a blog from the internet cafe in the book shop at the bottom of Wensleslav.

We have decided which flat to buy, it's number 45 Nad Kralovskou Oborou (I think) a pretty difficult business though, our solicitor is always really busy, so we haven't really got the thing going with him yet, and the Agent is really pushing because until we actually pay a deposit, the flat can still go to someone else. This also means that I have run out of time to change my sterling into the local currency. unfortunately the rate isn't great a the moment.

We are having new windows fitted in the flat we rent at the moment, so for a couple of days everything is a mess. I think it will all be sorted by tomorrow. A funny story from Monday, at then end of the Czech class we all left and another student, Paolo, walked with me to the metro station Hlavni Nadrazi, for some reason at this station, I always go to the wrong platform, just automatically, and because Paolo lives the opposite way to me, he followed my lead and without checking just went to the opposite platform, so although we were both unaware at this stage, we stood across from each other but to go in the wrong direction for home. Both trains come in together, I quickly glanced at the front of the train and it sunk in that I should not get on because I would end up in Kobylisy. However, Paolo got straight on and I could not attract his attention. Both trains left and I was still standing on the platform alone, I walked out of the station a crossed over to the opposite side, to catch the next train, meanwhile wondering if Paolo had realised yet, I felt quite guilty because if I had gone onto the correct platform in the first place so would Paolo. Later I text him and we laughed about it. He had gotten off at the next stop and also changed!

I now understand why there are so many security staff in the shops here, I read in the papers at the beginning of the week that the Czechs are in first place in the charts for shoplifting, they are better than anyone else in Europe at it. The theiving buggers!

And lastly for today, I think the Czechs are missing a western trick. Packs of Christmas cards are rarer than rocking horse poo, you can buy single cards, but no-one, absolutely no-one sells bulk packs. Petra tells me that Czech people don't like to send cards! I'm liking it.


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