Betlemska Kaple
Recently Petra was given tickets to a concert and a small chapel in prague to go and see a performance of a few kids and a famous violinist. I know that she likes to do different things so I agreed to go along even though I didn't think it would be my thing. I assume this is what marriage is all about, compromise, and receiving satisfaction from your partners happiness. Anyway, it was a formal occassion so we have to dress appropriately in evening suit etc, and I dutifully complied.
nejdriv jsme sli na Metro, pak jsme jeli ceckem na Muzeum. Potom jsme jeli tramvaji na Narodni, pak jsme sli pesky do Kaple. Ten koncert zacinal v 19.30h a skoncil ve 21.00h a byl moc nudny, ale jsem rad ze jsem tam byl s Peta. Ten Koncert uvadela Jitka Kocurova, vypadala krasne a zajimave. Ackoli to vypadala, ze jsem si neuzil vecer, houslista to byl vyborny. Po koncerte, byla vanocni jidlo a piti, tak jsme se najedli a pak jsme sli do domu. Petra je nemocna, vcera vecer ji mela bolelo telo a taky v krku, a myslim, je nastydla, tak pred posteli jsem varil citrus piti pro ji a dal jsem ji prasky na chripku. Today I think she feels just a little better, but not great. I guess it will be best for her to rest tonight and for the weekend. It is Babis birthday on Saturday so we are going for lunch and then to take a look at the tree an markets in Old Town.
We have spoken to our solicitor to make an offer on a flat and try to buy, but I am not very confident because the agent is being awkward. I know they are only interested in the commission and not the client, because he has another interested client and he told Petra that whoever puts the deposit down first gets the flat. I think it would be stupid to pay a deposit without checking all the contracts thoroughly first, because if there was a small mistake you would not get your money back.
Just a few weeks left until Christmas, so exciting eh? No snow yet though.
nejdriv jsme sli na Metro, pak jsme jeli ceckem na Muzeum. Potom jsme jeli tramvaji na Narodni, pak jsme sli pesky do Kaple. Ten koncert zacinal v 19.30h a skoncil ve 21.00h a byl moc nudny, ale jsem rad ze jsem tam byl s Peta. Ten Koncert uvadela Jitka Kocurova, vypadala krasne a zajimave. Ackoli to vypadala, ze jsem si neuzil vecer, houslista to byl vyborny. Po koncerte, byla vanocni jidlo a piti, tak jsme se najedli a pak jsme sli do domu. Petra je nemocna, vcera vecer ji mela bolelo telo a taky v krku, a myslim, je nastydla, tak pred posteli jsem varil citrus piti pro ji a dal jsem ji prasky na chripku. Today I think she feels just a little better, but not great. I guess it will be best for her to rest tonight and for the weekend. It is Babis birthday on Saturday so we are going for lunch and then to take a look at the tree an markets in Old Town.
We have spoken to our solicitor to make an offer on a flat and try to buy, but I am not very confident because the agent is being awkward. I know they are only interested in the commission and not the client, because he has another interested client and he told Petra that whoever puts the deposit down first gets the flat. I think it would be stupid to pay a deposit without checking all the contracts thoroughly first, because if there was a small mistake you would not get your money back.
Just a few weeks left until Christmas, so exciting eh? No snow yet though.
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