Sunday, August 31, 2008

Please mind the gap...!

Wow, it's been a very long time since my past post. Always busy busy, but I do need to find some time to jot down a few thoughts here.

So, what to talk about today? I guess there is no point trying to recap on the last how ever many months that have passed. oh, the biggest thing I want to comment on has got to be my brothers new baby girl Isabelle. After what seemed like an endless pregnancy, Helen gave birth a couple of weeks ago. The result is a beautiful little girl... and as I mentioned Isabelle, lol. Just a little joke there. Did you get it? Daron told me that Helen is taking plenty of pictures but unfortunatley they must be a state secret because I haven't seen many!

I noticed my last post was about Petras new trainers. Last weekend I also brought new trainers for myself. There is a fairly new 'Outlet' Store outside of Prague, spookily like the Ashford outlet centre, albeit a touch smaller (it's only half a cirle not the whole circle). I picked up a pair of high-end Nike running trainers at about 30% off. Still cost an arm and a leg (pointless having them if I can't run anymore! short of a leg now, lol) along with these I also took some Adidas casual wear trainers.

Yesterday morning I took myself out with the said 'Nike' Running trainers for their second outing. I suppose it's been said enough times before that we might start to take notice of it, but it's so worth spending the extra money on good quality products. They feel great to run in, firm but with good conditioning and a comfortable fit, and very breathable in the toe box (hehehe he said 'box') (childish humour). I am going to go again this morning with Petra, on the new route my new trainers found yesterday. It's a cool cross-country route, but also tracks through a place where some new houses are being built.

So, I'll try to keep these posts shorter, in order to keep them more frequent (and readable).
Speak again soon.


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