Friday, July 27, 2007


We have a few decisions ahead of us now, I have been looking so hard for a flat this past week, spending most of the day and evenings out walking and travelling all over prague to see places that we might want to buy a flat. I do this because I think it's important to first find the area we would be happy to live in then find the flats that might be for sale there. We have looked this week more around the dejvice area and Bubenec, also I have looked a lot around Dolni Brezany and Dolni Chabry. AlsoI have looked around Liben and Kobylysy. Finally we found a flat that may fit our needs, it's a super beautiful flat in a very green location, it is about 30 minutes out of prague centre to the north. The flat is 18 months old and very large at 120 m2, with 2 double bedrooms and a bathroom the size of an airport terminal! It has views over the countryside on all sides (the sides we have windows) and comes with underground parking and a celler storage bay. The only challenge is the price, at 5 million Kc it really stretches me. So we are thinking about this flat and if we should try to enter negotiations.

The next choice we have is what to do about work, there is now a chance that I will get an interview at DHL, where Petra works, this sounds quite interesting and give me a new challenge. I wouldn't be working with Petra because it's a big company and I would be in a different department, I'll let you know more when things are more definite. Also, a few weeks ago I applied to a job that I found on Expats website for a couple to manage the country estate for some people who live outside the Czech Republic. The estate is about 120km outside of Prague. They asked us for our CVs which I sent and last night I got a message that we have been selected for interview in the middle of August as they are very interested in us. So I am at that point again that I am not very comf0rtable with to have to make a choice between a number of things. This is what happened with WorldClass and Holmes Place, when I had to choose between them and my decision was wrong.

The idea of running a country estate really appeals to me, and Petra to. perhaps I ought not to say too much for now, and I'll let you know more when it has progressed a little.

I have got back to road cycling after 10 months on mountain bike only. I have explored some super Czech countryside and over the past 10 days have clocked up about 400 km I would guess. I feels great to be steaming down the roads again getting fresh air, seeing nature at it's best (every trip I see something great) and feeling the burn in my legs.


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