Monday, September 18, 2006

New Mobile

Been feeling a bit under the weather lately, hopefully it’s nothing. Had a trip to Folkestone yesterday, to see the sea for probably the last time in a long long while. Used my new sat nav for directions to, more about that in a minute. The weather has been great lately, seems we are having a late warm spell, I’m lovin it, as the famous fast food chain says! Actually I did partake in the offering of that fast food chain yesterday, wish I hadn’t, isn’t it bloody awful, well not my cup of tea anyway. Not long at all til my brothers wedding, it’s going to be a great bash I am sure, there will be a strong Czech contingent there which I am looking forward to.

I have bought a new mobile, the Mitel Mio A701 PDA/Mobile/Sat nav phone. One word – FANTASTIC. I am very pleased with it, it does all I expected and more, and so far has proved very stable, unusual considering it is running a piece of Microsoft software! If there was one complaint I have it is that my last windows mobile PDA through my O2 network had a thumb keypad, just like other mobiles but it was part of the touch screen software, so you didn’t have to get the little stick out every time you used it, this one doesn’t have it and I feel lost without it, it was the best addition to my last version but sadly, I’ll have to make do now. The sat nav that is included with the package is branded Miomap v2 and it is excellent, it’s produced for them by navigon, which some of you may have heard of anyway. It surprised me at how fast it is in calculating routes and rerouting when I have been deliberately going off route and stuff to test it, just seconds. If you like PDAs etc, I would definitely recommend this mobile, size wise it compares more to the XDA mini, and the orange, and t-mobile equivalent.

Next couple of days should give me a solid date for the exchange, then I can book and confirm all the transport and tickets that I have to do.


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