Been Away
Things are so crazy at the moment; my head is spinning with thought of the number of things we have to do in the short term. It’s great news that we have sold the house, this was about 3 weeks ago that we agreed a price with the buyer, the process is following It’s path and I am finding very little else is filling my mind. I am desperate for the completion to happen quickly but anxious that it will drag on. So far the paperwork from my solicitors has been completed and they are in possession of the deeds to my property and my redemption figure on the mortgage, the only thing they have cocked up so far is losing the property details papers that I sent them. So I will have to do another lot when they post them to me. The only thing we are waiting on now is for the buyers to agree the contract and return it, I think they have applied for the searches etc, but every day seems like a week to me at the moment so I keep wanting to pester them and get some kind of date for completion. Tomorrow couldn’t be soon enough! I guess it’s because we feel totally distracted by the thoughts of our near future over the drudgery of day to day processes here, neither of us enjoy our jobs and we have plenty to be getting sorted out for the move, for example, we have to get rid of pretty much every thing we have in the house because we won’t be taking it with us, it would have cost about £3,500 to move everything over, and I decided that it wasn’t worth it and may as well buy new when we got there, none of the electrical items could be taken anyway. One or two things would be ok because I could get new leads to plug them in. All the other stuff and my furniture is being donated to my brothers new house fund. At least it will go to a good home. We have even got the packing underway, seriously we have done about 75% of it and I have been to the council dump twice already to clear out all the crap that I have built up over the ten years that I have been here. The other day I took 5 bags of clothes to the charity collection point to get rid of them, it was heart breaking! (but well overdue anyway).
We may have found a temporary flat to rent in Prague whilst we look for the flat we want to buy, Janas’ colleague has one for rent without commissions and one of Petras’ friends has one both at reasonable prices. Which is a stroke of luck because I was thinking we may not have anywhere to go to, the few things we will be taking might have ended up, (could still) in the middle of old town square with the homeless sleeping on them. It would be just like the advert that the airline company ran for a while with a person getting into a bed that was in the middle of a roundabout.
A change of subject now, just had a very scary experience on the way home from work, Petra picked me up, and as we drove home I spotted a bloody huge spider on the dashboard of the car. I got a little worried because the roads were very busy, so I said to Petra, don’t panic but there is a large spider on the dash, she spotted it and started to scream and wanted to get out of the car, but we were still moving so I started saying, stop the car, stop the car, and she basically just rammed it up onto the kerb and stamped on the brake. The spider dropped off the dash onto the foot well on her side and that was carnage, she didn’t bother taking the car out of gear and just climbed across the seats, so I put the car in park and run round to the driver side to try and remove the spider which had legged it under the driver seat. I knew that we wouldn’t be going anywhere as long as the spider was around so I had to search for it and get rid of it, which I eventually did. Then we casually got back into the car and continued home. I was quite angry though, although I understand the fear of spiders, I don’t understand how a spider walking around the car can be worse than killing us both in a car crash.
Did you try Robinsons for a quote? Can't believe it'd be more than shipping stuff to the US.
We paid £1500 for our belongings which included 2 bikes, tons of photo gear and boxes of clothes.
Worth a try.
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