Look on the bright side

It seems like nothing wants to go to plan at the moment, I’ll share just a couple of these things. Well you already know that I want to move to Prague, but this has to wait for the house to be sold here in the UK. The house has now been on the market for 2 weeks and as yet we have had only 2 viewings, neither were interested, the first because the house was too far out of town, (we live less than 3 miles from town) and the second because the toilet is separate to the shower room. This one bugs me, I would rather people were honest and said something like the house looks shit and I don’t want to live there. How can is be a problem for someone if the toilet and bathroom are separate, as a feature I would have thought this is more of a benefit than a problem? My reason is that when the lady of the house wants to have a long soak or decent shower and ‘pamper’ she can do so with out the interruption of the man of the house wanting a good dump mid-performance! Who do you know can use the bathroom and the toilet simultaneously? Well, apart from a few dirty buggers who can’t be bothered to get out of the shower or bath to have a wee. Do you get what I am saying?
So I am struggling to remain positive, I so wanted to sell quickly, I can’t think of anything else at the moment except being in Prague. It would have been so nice to have made it for summer, but alas it’s not to be, instead we will get there for a harsh winter to greet us. I shouldn’t be so negative even the winter is a beautiful thing, with the snow and the chance to ski, but there will probably be less work?
The job hunting has been no easier, today I sent off 5 CVs, how can I explain to you the dilemma I am in. I have spent the past 12 years in the health and fitness industry and for the past few at a senior management level, (before that I was a cabinet maker) however, I no longer want my life to pass me by whilst all I do is work for the gain of the corporate business and the shareholder. I have spent 20 years working my nuts off and feel cheated of actually doing something with my life. Meeting my wife taught me that life is more about growing in knowledge and experiences and spending time with people you love to be around making the time for laughter and love. Stepping out and steering your life in the direction you choose, and hopefully being fulfilled. I knew this would be hard to explain, but I kind of feel that I am missing out on something, or at least have been. It has hit me that I can no longer allow this to happen, I must take action to change the direction I am heading.
This is the goal, unfortunately everyday life must also be taken care of, like paying the bills and putting food on the table, so I must find some work until the house can be sold and our new journey begins. As you can see this is just temporary so I have to look for something that I can easily walk away from when the time comes but also pays enough to make it worth while getting out of bed. It has been difficult getting potential bosses to consider me for any regular type of work as they can’t see why someone who has been somewhat of a high flyer would want to take a job of admin assistant or factory worker of machine operator etc. I would like to do some bespoke cabinet making or work on parks and grounds, but again the employers can’t see the wood through the trees, excuse the pun. My one reasonable option is just to sign onto an agency as a temporary worker and just go where they tell me and try to muddle on until we are set free. This is fast looking like the only option at the moment. It looks like I have something to do tomorrow now.
As for the agency selling my house I will pay them a visit and see what more they can do to get the result. It hasn’t quite been what I expected maybe they are too keen to over promise and just end up under delivering; I think this will be the topic of our conversation tomorrow. It would be something if they actually placed my house in the advertising, it got one crappy spot in the paper last week and that has been it. Who do they think they are kidding too, the agent told me today “it was in the paper this week so that should help” mmmhhhhh, well I brought the papers and it wasn’t in any of them. There really is no need to lie, it just makes it worse.
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