Tuesday, May 30, 2006

News or not

Just reading through some of the news today there is a mixture for our digestion. I am no expert so please don’t criticize but I am contemplating the question of “how can this be allowed to happen”?. I am referring to the story of Vodafone losses amounting to £14.9 billion! You must be having a laugh? I feel outraged that any company can be allowed to run itself into this amount of debt without some kind of intervention. As I said I am no expert and there is probably plenty I do not understand about the inner workings of such a thing. But the one thing I do know is when they eventually go down there will many many firms and people taken with them and that can’t be good.

Then going onto another story that is in a similar vein, the government have been running a scheme to create electronic medical files for millions of people in the UK, in fact it’s over 50 millions people, in principle I like the idea, it will enable medics to view the medical history of patients, at any time and in any place they have IT. However, the project estimated originally to cost around £6.2 Billion is likely to finish at a cost of £20 Billion, mmmh just a slight difference I think!

News from a personal point of view, I am looking forward to tomorrow as I will find out if I am to be offered the job I recently interviewed for. Once I know this I will also know more of what the remainder of this year holds for me.


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