Friday, May 19, 2006

A step in the right direction

So, sorry about not getting anything posted yesterday, busy day trying to get as much done as I could. Finally, my mortgage has been completed, well, specifically my re-mortgage. I feel like a rich man at the moment, because I borrowed back some of the equity I have in my house so that we have some cash to buy a flat in Prague this year. The process so far has been quite stressful because of how rubbish the mortgage company has been and how many mistakes they have made, I won’t harp on about it because at least it’s done now and we have the money.

The next problem is that I haven’t yet found another job (more on my efforts in a minute) and we will now have to pay a much higher mortgage almost £900 per month, so it’s really important that I do find work.

We have found a Solicitor in Czech to carry out the legal side of the purchase, which is a positive step in the right direction. And we have been ‘internet’ searching for a flat for –well, too long really. At least now we know that we can go ahead and it’s not just window-shopping. The part we want to avoid though is buying through an Agency, in Czech they charge much higher fees than in the UK and really, I don’t see that they deserve the money, they also charge the purchaser? Which you don’t get here. It’ll be cheaper for us to buy direct from the developer.

I have been for a 1st interview at a hotel and country club local to me, and I have the second interview next Wednesday so now I am preparing for this. I can’t believe I have to do another presentation, all of my last few job changes have involved giving presentations, which I do not enjoy. I have been involved in the leisure industry for 12/13 years now, and not wanting to sound big headed but I have been very successful at it. When you have to do these presentations etc it just makes you feel like your constantly trying to prove yourself. Fair enough, the guys interviewing me don’t know this but I have proved myself throughout my career. As always, I will give it 100% with research and mystery shops etc, I’ll do a competitor analysis before hand and make sure I have all my back-up papers on the day, then we’ll see what happens.
Wish me luck.


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