Monday, June 19, 2006

Dance With My Father

So what did you all do for Fathers Day? I wonder how many people saw their father and how many wanted to see them but were unable to for whatever reason? Well, I’m very glad that I was able to see mine. Since my parents moved to Lincolnshire I have hardly seen them at all. The only person to blame for this is me! I think they moved away about 6 or 7 years ago but I can’t remember seeing them any more than 2 times per years since, maybe at Christmas or mid year around my fathers birthday, which incidentally is 15th June, so it always falls around fathers day to. I’m disappointed that I don’t see them more, particularly now that they are older and I have a wife who is the sweetest thing. However, I always have the same excuse, I never have enough time, the trip takes 3 hours each way so it can be a little tiring, but should never really be used as an excuse for not making the effort.

I was so happy to see my dad yesterday, I miss him and I feel for some reason that I need to be closer to him. I can’t explain what my heart is telling me, I just know that I am sad that we never had a particularly close relationship when I was growing up, and I’m struggling with wanting this now, you know the kind of thing, like I want to spend the day with him just pottering around in the shed or moving junk around the garden just to chat and be close to him whilst we do nothing in particular. I want to talk to him about stuff, and in that, receive a lesson.

I love and respect my dad so much, he is an amazing man, even if he is stubborn as shit. As long as my memory serves me I remember that he is a hardworking, steady and quiet man. I never hear him complain about anything regardless of how if affects him, he just presses on. I wish I could be more like my Dad.

I wish I could tell so much more, but first I have to sort it through in my mind and understand. I’m 35 now, and maybe it’s the journey of life that is teaching me these new feelings. Tell me, does everyone feel this way?

Maybe you have heard the song by Luther Vandross, ‘Dance with my Father’? I know it has also been done by Celine Dion, although I do not know who owns the track, I prefer Luthers, but my point is grab it and sit and listen to it, the words are spot on and every time I hear it I think of my Dad and I don’t know why but my eyes start to leak, maybe they are broken?


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