Thursday, June 08, 2006

Not Much Progress

I know I have not posted anything substantial lately, I have been lacking content and inspiration. For the main part I have been obsessing about selling my house, which because I am so naïve I assumed it would have done so by now, because it has been on the market since Monday, after all! I got a call from Jack at the estate agents today to tell me that he and his colleagues are very busy contacting registered buyers and attempting to attract them to the house. Do you think its true? I hope so, I guess they have every reason to be doing so, because without selling the house they make no money.

I will go down to Crown job agency on Monday/Tuesday and sign on for temporary work, I have been waiting for a contact to get back to me to see if they can offer me some work leafleting but as of this minute I am still waiting for a call, I can’t wait forever so if I get something at the agency it’s tuff. I have a couple of days work for my brother tomorrow and Monday, which is excellent, because I know I can earn some cash. It’s going to help.

Petra sent a couple of emails to some Czech removal firms, to ask what they would charge to come to the UK and complete our house removal to Prague. I almost fell of my seat when I opened the attachments. Two of the firms want about £2800 and another firm wanted £2100, which is better but still a lot of money.

Petra is doing a really great job carrying on working whilst I am home, she is so great about it all, and doesn’t say anything or nag me. I think she knows that I want to be working, I just have to find the right job where I can get a little enjoyment and a reasonable wage. She never seems to worry about anything, maybe she does worry but just doesn’t show it. Always takes everything in her stride and seems to live life with her heart rather than her head, she is the complete opposite of me, and this may be why we get on so well. I am too much of a thinker and analyse everything, more than enough. When she came back to England to be with me, there would have been plenty of reasons for her not to come but she took the chance anyway and made the very most of it. I am so glad she did to. She changed my life completely.


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